Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Yay Jürgen Habermas!

My man makes it to No. 7 on the top 100 intellectuals list, 2 below the weasle Christopher Hutchins and beating the pants off world domination expert, neocon braintrust, Paul Wolfowitz, coming in at a pathetic No. 18 (which is of course much higher than me, who comes in at 0).

The question that comes to mind, I'm sure, to everyone out there: who's "bubbling under"? I want to know who made nos. 101-103. Any boy band wuss and tween heartthrob like Slavoj Zizek or Pope Benedict XVI can make the top 20 but it takes a special kind of intellectual to be so out of the mainstream that they can't make the main list. Who is the Velvet Underground of the intellegensia? Where's the next Love of deep thinking? Like Iggy once said, "Mario Vargas Llosa, your pretty face is going to hell."